Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO has to do techniques used to improve the website’s search engine rankings. Here are going to explain between Black Hat vs White Hat, strategy, and techniques.
  • What is Black Hat SEO?
Basically Black Hat SEO refers and techniques used to get higher search engine rankings and breaking search engine rules. Black Hat SEO techniques used by those who are looking for quick results on their website. Black Hat SEO focus not so much human audience, it is focused on only search engines. Whenever you don’t want to do long term investment on your website you can use Black Hat SEO strategy and techniques as well. But beware, Black Hat technique can possibly result in your websites being banned from search engines and gets penalization using unethical techniques because it violates search engine guidelines.
The following tactics are considered Black Hat SEO Techniques:
  1. Keyword Stuffing
  2. Content Automation
  3. Doorway Pages
  4. Hidden Text or Links
  5. Cloaking
  6. Article and Content Spinning
  7. Link Farming
  • What is White Hat SEO?
White Hat SEO strategy and techniques completely follow search engine rules and policies. White Hat SEO techniques and strategies always target a human audience opposed to search engine. Mainly using White Hat techniques who want to make a long-term investment on their website and need results last a long time. Also called Ethical SEO. Typically used these techniques using keywords, link building, keyword analysis etc. Using White Hat techniques focus on relevancy and organic ranking is considered to be optimized.
The following tactics are considered White Hat SEO Techniques:
  1. Keywords Analysis
  2. Back Link Building
  3. Quality Content
  4. Using Keywords
  5. Rewriting Meta Tags
  6. Content Optimization

Difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO
The biggest difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO is, White Hat always follows search engine guidelines and improve user experience, while Black Hat violate search engine rules and typically done with complete disregard for human users.

Present-day almost every Web Development Company know the difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO techniques and never using Black Hat process, because they know the importance of client’s business.

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Ph: +91 99325 55605 


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